Dealings with Suspect Twitter Followers

Are these Pictures or Mugshots

Oriental Group using mugshots as twitter followers to Promote Affiliate Programs

Wow I have lots of Asian women Following me on twitter now but I can't block any of them,Even if I block them they are always coming back to me.The thing about these Oriental girls is that the background is the same in each photo and they seem quite stressed to see the profile pictures and Another thing about them is that they automatically send a tiny URL which leads to an affiliate program to see an example click here.

This may seem like a crazy story but the Internet is the home of it Be it be true or not it looks way too suspect for my liking's.Especially after Last weeks D.N.S Attacks in the U.S and everywhere else that the D.N.S Attacks occurred.Maybe you have also this experience If you do please comment below and tell me your thoughts about this strange Behaviour.Well the Internet needs Orignal Content

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