Nice Blog even though I did not Look at it

I tried putting polls on my Blog but unanswered polls will not give me any ideas some come pass a comment but it's a hello come see me comment.No No No I delete these comments if you want to say hello use my "Google friend connect" comment box and Read the post before you say anything.This is not being Blunt it's a Rule if you leave as the saying goes "if you have notting intelligent to say say noting".How many comments do you have on your Blog that stay with the subject?.Many Z-list Bloggers have a habit of putting their comments where ever they can just to get a link.Why should I comment on a sewing site when i don't know a thing about thread to me a thread is something in a forum.I could say that's Interesting I never knew that because I use this Machine and it has problems when I try to...,But if I have noting on my site about the topic then the comment is pointless as such.

Here are "The Rules of Commenting on Blogs"

1* Be Nice and Interesting
2* saying Hello and your Website is not a comment it looks like Spam
3* Add To the Conversation if you agree or Disagree say it
4* Don't Disagree too much if you feel that strongly about the subject then write your own post about it and don't comment at all
5* Make reference to a like post where possible it's always better to use Name/Url and not your Blogger Profile as this will lead to your latest post which may be on a different Topic
6* Never say visit me in a comment,"vist me" is insulting to the blogger because if you make a good remark He/She will go to your site anyway
7,8,9,10 you decide ?

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